It all started in 2016, when the people of Gumal asked the Senegalese government to build a school in the town, since they had never had one. The children in Sare have always been little shepherds, little moms, and very few have been able to go to school, since the closest one, three kilometers away, was not always accessible due to the extreme heat of summer, or due to difficulties and surprises. that the overflowing river could bring in times of rain.
Despite the need, the Senegalese authorities replied that it was impossible for them to build a school due to lack of financial resources.
Some residents of Gumal, but tired of not being able to offer anything else to their children, contacted their emigrated relatives in Spain to ask for help, and these in turn with La Rotllana to seek our collaboration. This is how our campaign began.
Finally, thanks to the insistence of the citizens of Gumal, the government agreed to have a teacher who would send from the capital Dakar, if the citizens managed to build even a basic structure. The proposal of the Ministry of Education became a challenge for the neighbors, and with the necessary financial help from relatives and Rotllana they built the first abric or traditional Senegalese school for the boys and girls.
From Badalona, Catalunya, we sent the money with which it was possible to buy the logs for the basic construction, and the cane walls for the school, and later be transported to Gumal. Before long, blackboards were bought for the classroom, and blackboards and chalk for the children. After that the teacher arrived and the school project started.
As of January 2017, the boys and girls in Gumal can go to the school in their town in the morning and in the afternoon. Learning to write their name, that of their little brothers, learning to add, and knowing things in the world beyond the traditional ones in the town is a new open window that fills them with enthusiasm and motivation in their lives.
The previous structure of the school but it is provisional, because it had to withstand the torrential storms of the rainy season, and the sun and the heat of 45º in the dry season. In these conditions, together with the precariousness of material, the children make an extra effort to be able to study. This is why we set ourselves the challenge of building a new school with two classrooms, bathrooms and an office for the teacher. With the collaboration of various actions and the participation of many people, we were able to get € 17,000. Thanks to your collaboration, the boys and girls of Gumal can have the opportunity to have a better future. In addition, during the 2020/2021 academic year, we were able to equip the children with new desks since the previous ones were in very bad condition.
Nowadays, our commitment continues with the town of Gumal. Our next goals are:
- Build the demarcation wall of the school to prevent the access of animals and any strangers.
- Guarantee a course plus the delivery of basic school supplies.
- Provide the school with a solar panel to guarantee a minimum of hours of artificial light during the shortest and darkest tropical afternoons and thus guarantee access to the maximum number of boys and girls at school during the school day.