Europe Youth week-InformaGiovani

EVA: a digital course for young people to become active citizens

In occasion of the European Youth Week from 24 to 30 May 2021, InformaGiovani decided to contribute by launching a free online training course to give young people without abroad experience the chance to take a journey into the world of European volunteering, to find out what they can learn from actively participating in community life, and also to acquire digital skills on social communication and promotion on social media.

The course started on 24th May and will take place two days per week until mid-June. All the material will be collected in moodle platform created ad hoc.

The first session was a chance to meet very motivated young people, to create links with participants (and among them) thanks to team-building and ice-breaking activities. Then, together we started to reflect on value of solidarity, volunteering and active citizenship. For many of the participants it was an opportunity to express themselves, to share with other peers and to have a first insight into what European Solidarity Corps programme implies and how the EU programme can support young people in being actively involved in the shaping of European society, from the local to the European level.

A further step to make true the European Youth Week motto “Our future in our hands”.

At the end of the course, participants will deepen the value of volunteering and the transversal skills that it allows to increase, will learn about the opportunities offered by the European programmes and find out how to access them, will get insight on the theme of interculture, stereotypes and prejudices, how to resolve conflicts, how to use videos, images and social media to communicate online.

Of course, due to its online format, participants will also have the chance to increase digital skills and familiarise with tools such as Mentimeter, Jamboards etc and platforms such as Moodle, and also we, as youth workers, will increase our capacity to use digital tools to support young generations.

The online course is organised as part of the “Empowerment through Volunteering Activities” project supported by the Erasmus + programme.

Settimana Europea della Gioventù (24-28/05/2021):

WINS website:

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